Monday, February 26, 2007

The Creeper, Rush City & AntMan

Hello all, once again Welcome to Peter’s Picks! Let’s get started!

The Creeper

Story: Steve Niles
Art: Justiniano (kind of like Madonna)
Inks: Waldon Wong
Colors: Chris Chucky
Format: 6 issue mini
I’m a big fan of Justiniano’s work since the Human Race!
Awesome work on that one, please check it out! On Creepy unfortunately he
did not do the whole mini (two issues went to Steve Scott, not bad, but not
the J man!) but what he did do was great to look at and just…uh creepy!
Waldon did his stand up work and Chris is outstanding with his colors, I
love the dudes work!!!. I’ve only read a short list of Steve’s work, but
very much dig the workings of his craft! Not a big fan of everything thats
been done post crisis in the DCU but this one worked without wiping out
what’s fun about Mr. Creeper. Thumbs up on this one!

Rush City
Story: Chuck Dixon
Art: Timothy Green II
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colors: Jose Villarrubia
Format: 6 issue mini (I’ve read up to issue 4)
Another good pick would have to be this one,..not outstanding story
wise but fun and interesting. A good tale for Chuck, sometimes his works
have been too standard for my tastes but I like this one. The true feature
of this book is Tim’s work,..I’m liking his line very much, not your normal
comic approach or common line work, definitely look for this mans work, it’s
truly a treat as well! (He did the comic adaptation of AEon Flux!) The
inking by Rick is nicely done and what can one say about the incredible
Jose,..except that this is by no means his best work but a clean, crisp well
done job

The Irredeemable Ant Man!....what?
Story: Robert Kirkman
Art: Phil Hester
Inks: Ande Parks
Colors: Bill Crabtree
Again…What? Yes a comic one can wonder what the hell was Marvel (2 for
DC, had to go Marvel…that makes DC =2, Marvel =2…next time we go indy!!!)
thinking,…but I love it! A funny funny book (ongoing as far as I can tell,
up to ish 5!) with a great terrible hero!?! Robert (The Walking Dead
genius!) spins a tale of a guy you just want to slap,..funny, did I say
that!!! Phil’s work is perfectly suited for this strange tale and does a
fine job,..its all the more funny because of his pacing and layouts! Great
job! Sure because the art is sort of blocky you might think anyone could ink
this! Well then you don’t know anything about inking pal, I do! And Ande
does a great job, as well as Billy boy with his nice color work! Great book
all around. One just wonders if Marvel will keep this one going,..I mean the
guy is a jerk! Please support this baby, it rocks!!!

That is all my friends, until next time….peace, peter!

If you wish for me to review your book, Please send them to:
M.F.C. Studios
P.O. Box 134
Rosedale, N.Y. 11422
Attn: Pete's Pick's

First Post

Hello and welcome to Pete's picks! Where each week I'll go out of my way to bring you the best of the best,.. or maybe just some trash I'm currently reading, one never knows. It's all fun and oh sooo good! My name is Peter Palmiotti (yes, brother of the amazing Jimmy Palmiotti - inker, writer and a great all around guy!) for those of you still living under a rock (no demerits for you, just be careful the next time we meet buddy!). To all that don't know me well...I'm more inclined than not to pick up a book just because of the art (being an inker and whatnot...geez do I really have to explain?) If you have a book you would like to submitt to Pete's Picks you can email me: make sure you put "Pete's Picks" in the subject line.
Ya gotta love it to read it so here it goes my friends, since this is worldwide, lets hope I get it right the first time or it's back of the class for me! EEEEK!
My first love has always been with Marvel (sorry...I'll get to everyone else in due time!) And what better Marvel title to start with then...(wait for it) ASTONISING X-MEN!!! published by Marvelcomics.

Issues 1-19 (I've read them all!)
So, does the art captivate me? is the storytelling there? Is it glorious? Yes, across the board! John Cassaday can draw rings around most of his fellow artists of today. He's got style and "throws punches" when it's called for. The story is "slow" due to (as I see it) two factors. 1) Because everything nowadays is getting collected into trades (6 issues re-printed in one book) so that the whole story has to play out in a set amount of pages rather than because the story flows as needed. And 2) because the writer wanted something that stood out from all the other X-titles and hype, so that it has a slightly more magna kind of feel to it storywise...sort-a. But regardless, Joss Whedon (creator of Buffy and writer of this here book.) along with John created something of their own as well as a fun and enjoyable read. Besides, (and lets face it)...if they (the creative team) really screw the story up, Marvel can always go back and change it after they're gone!
So to sum it up, pretty to look at AND fun to read!
Well that's it for now folks, more of a quick pick until I get more sophisticated at this (please bear with me.) I will start to really dig into the story as well as how well the creators work together once I get a few of these picks under my belt, I'm a man of few words in "real" life but I do have my insights into the telling of a good book, both visual as well as
words wise! Please join me next time and let me know what you think (if its good. HA!)

Peace out my comic peeps,.. this is Peter Pop signing off until next time!
Peter Palmiotti